Kueh Tat (Pineapple Jam Tarts)

These small tart cookies are superb! They pastry is soft and yummy, and it melts in your mouth. This reminds me of home - they are very popular and we have them for Raya (Eid), Chinese New Year, whenever we want, really. They are so delicious and addictive to eat that his batch I made barely lasted for 3 days. Even my naughty cat Katiki managed to pilfer one that I accidentally dropped on the floor in the kitchen.

Katiki says Gong Xi Fa Cai with a mini Chinese Paper Lion

Gong Xi Fa Cai! It'll be Chinese New Year in 2 weeks time, and these small coin-like golden treasures are apt to bring us good luck, yes?

The main ingredient in these tarts is the Pineapple Jam. Make your own, or buy them from the shops.

Ingredients: (makes about 30-40 cookies)

Pineapple jam (from 1 pineapple. You may have extra jam in the end.)

175g of butter, softened
50g of sweetened condensed milk
260g of all purpose flour
1 egg yolk

1 egg yolk plus 1 tsp of milk to glaze

What you will need:
A baking tray, lined with parchment
Pastry brush
A mixer: handheld or standalone. Or, a husband-shaped-whisk-wielding helper to help. (Elbow grease)
Wire rack


1. Make sure that the pineapple jam is thick and mold-able. If its still 'wet' and with liquid, heat it gently in the saucepan until it has thickened. When cool, shape the jam into small sized balls. Arrange them on a plate and refrigerate them while you prepare the pastry.
2. Beat the butter and condensed milk until smooth and creamy. Add in the yolk and mix well. Fold in flour and mix until the dough has stopped being sticky and is soft and easy to mold. 
3. Preheat the oven to 170 degrees C.
4. Roll the dough into balls which are slightly bigger than the pineapple jam balls. Flatten the dough and press the jam ball in the center of the dough and bring in the edges to cover the jam. Press lightly to seal and roll it around your palms to shape the cookie. Continue with the rest.
5. Arrange onto the baking tray. With a pastry brush lightly glaze the top of each cookie ball.
6. Bake in the oven for approximately 20 minutes or until golden brown.
7. Remove and cool completely on a wire rack. 
8. Store them in airtight containers. 

What can you do with the leftover egg whites? 

Upcoming recipe: Coconut Macaroons.


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